Wednesday, October 16, 2013

OMG day

Today is really an OMG day

Want to deny
But have to accept

The Fact that
"there're people who likes you and people who don't likes you"

Saddest thing about the fact was
You knew it at the same time
Which makes me so miserable now

What should I do?

Should I reveal it?

I don't like it

But it just so depressing to me

Monday, August 5, 2013

Happy Friendship Day!!

Happy Belated Friendship Day!!
It's belated because in this year,
Friendship Day is held on 4th August 2013.
And the day I'm writing my blog now,
Is 5th August 2013.

Here's the big deal of the day.
A present for Friendship Day.
What present?

A mash-up song consists of 3 songs.
Count On Me,
Stand By Me

Not only that, 
I perform with an ukulele.
Thanks to Joshua.

Managed to perform it after 12 days of practise.
Practically less than that,
Because I don't practise it all the time.
It only took me around 15-20 minutes,
To strum and fret the ukulele,
And to sing along.

For me,
Although my vocal still need A LOT of improvements,
But I'm still happy with the result.
It was a BIG achievement in my life.
Play a ukulele and sing along,
It was some part of my dreams somehow.
Wasn't achieving your dream make you happy?
That's what I'm thinking now.
And probably a surprise present for my besties.
Hoping they enjoy it.

Don't bother about the vocal,
Just enjoy the song.
It's quite meaningful to me,
But I don't know how about others.
I just want to say that 
I'm very proud to have these friends,
I'm very happy to have them by my side.

I'm done for today.
Happy Friendship Day!!!

Happy Friendship Day!!!

Happy Belated Friendship Day!!
It's belated because in this year,
Friendship Day is held on 4th August 2013.

And the day I'm writing my blog now,
Is 5th August 2013.


Saturday, August 3, 2013


It's been a while since my last post on here.
Totally forgot what I posted in the last post.

I'm back again.

Back to blogging.
But I don't know what to blog.

Let's start with my life throughout this year.

So far, everything runs quite smooth.
Good thing, bad thing.
Good news, bad news.
Good fortune, bad triumph.
Problems there, solutions here.

Quite enjoyed the moment actually
When you try to think back,
It's something that can be an experience,
A memory,
A topic to talk about when you are getting older.

I'm old now.
Emerging adults stage.
Quarter life crisis happening to me.
Start to change yourself to become a better person.

21 years old.
Good memories when my friends celebrated with me.
3 days of celebration party.
Totally crazy.
But yet, I still love them as my besties, not breasts.

Maybe it will be my best memories ever of the year.
Maybe it won't also.
Because it's only August.
4 months left to celebrate 2014.
To say goodbye to 2013.
I'm very sure that I'll have good memories for the next 4 months as well.

Is it long enough for my post today?
I don't think so.
So let me continue.

Throughout my First Year Second Semester of my university life,
Shits happened a lot.
Being sabotaged,
Being annoyed,
Being bad to myself.

I would appreciate that experience.
For being "pretending to be nice and caring",
For being "overly-concerned"
For being "follower"
For being "too attached"

Don't know about it,
But I'll try to ignore that.
Who the fuck to care about that?

Yeah, that fucker somehow is myself.
Not to care, but have to care about it.
Because it was coming out from one of my besties.

But everything's fine for me now.
I'm easy to forgive people.
Because I trust people easily.

Somehow, sometimes I wonder,
Why it is so hard for some people to trust others?
Why you have to close your heart to tightly?
I even asked myself.
I would answer,
"I would not trust people because they are strangers to me"
But is that everyone thinking of?
I don't know.
I won't care except to those who are important to me, like my besties on this Earth.

There're lots of good things too.
Being Wakil Sains Kognitif a.k.a. Students' Representative for Cognitive Science.
Being involved in many activities,
Like drama, choir, dance, performances.
Being an organiser for fund-raising concert, 
Which was quite a successful event for me.
Too much until I can't think of others.
Overall, i think my university life for this semester was fun and colourful
Not many complaints about it.
But at least it wasn't as dull as those nerds right?


Sunday, April 28, 2013

what a day to emo

i would just shut up
dont wan to care anything else